It is no longer news that President Donald Trump has been inaugurated as the 45 th president of the United States. This news however, has generated mixed feelings amongs Nigerians and the rest of the world. First there are those who think Donald Trump is the best thing that could ever happen to Americans, then there are those who think that he may not be the right person for the job for obvious reasons, then there are people like me who really think it is non of my business. However, It is quite clear that president Trump may have a strong dislike for Africans and even African Americans, but who wouldn’t considering the recent empasse in the Gambia, Jammeh’s obstinate refusal to transfer power to Barrow as constitutionally required thereby heightening tensions and the fear that violence may ensue in the tussle for power, not forgetting the terrorist assaults in Nigeria by the Boko-Haram and the gruesome killings in southern kaduna, or the war in Darfur and other parts of Africa, or ...