BY SAM OMATSEYE KEY NOTE ADDRESS AT THE NIGERIAN BAR ASSOCIATION, JOS BRANCH LAW WEEK When I was told that the topic of this address was Restructuring: A Panacea For Nigeria’s Development and Cohesion, I mused on the word sequence of the second part of the topic. That is, development and cohesion. I thought the word order needed to be redeveloped to make sentence cohere. I thought it should have been reversed. Cohesion before development. How do we develop without cohesion? As Amos said in the Bible, Can two walk together unless they be agreed? We shall go into this later, but suffice to say that the reason this year’s hallmark of discourse and tempest of controversy have smoldered without let or remission is that those who advocate restructuring believe that without it Nigeria will be mired in the 20th century without a foot forward. Those who have been known to oppose it are those who are irritated that the opponents are not allowing them to make the p...