It has become both a moral and legal truism that every worker is entitled to his/her wages, but the questions ultimately begging for answers are how much of the wages is a worker entitled to or put differently how much of the workers are entitled to wages or how much more should the workers earn in the face of harsh economic realities especially when juxtaposed with the cost of living in the country and the jumbo pay the politicians cum executive, legislator. judiciary earn, is the existing minimum wage realistic or who or what should determine the minimum wage in Nigeria? Wages according to the Labour Act means remuneration or earnings (however designated or calculated) capable of being expressed in terms of money and fixed by mutual agreement or by law which are payable by virtue of a contract by an employer to a worker for work done or to be done or for services rendered or to be rendered; it can also be defined simply as a sum of money paid to a worker in exchange for...