WRITTEN BY CHRIS AGBALUGO – PRESIDENT, LIPS MCS LTD There is no denying the fact that mans activities over time have not been friendly to the environment, even with the existence of environmental laws in the form of treaties, statutes, regulations, common and customary laws which try to curb the effects of human activity on the natural environment. Environmental law certainly has an international element as many treaties governing everything from pollution to sustainable farming are the result of multi-national agreements. However, the reality is that the negative effects of man’s activities can be seen all around us. Mountains have been turned to valleys, freshwater turned to sewage, play grounds turned to dump sites, trees turned to firewood and the result is also quite glaring as lives are being lost to sicknesses, air pollution, lack of potable water, hunger and famine. No doubt mans needs albeit wants are insatiable and whole swaths of land have been trans...