Looking at how events have unfolded in Afghanistan, it has become clear that international diplomacy has changed fundamentally by virtue of these events. The war and eventual withdrawal by the United States and allied forces leave much to be desired, especially how the Taliban forces took over the country in one fell swoop and Kabul on Aug. 15, there are a host of issues to be discussed and arguments will be postulated for and against the following issues: 1. What could the Biden administration have done differently? 2. What was the purpose of the war? 3. Who were the parties involved in the negotiations with respect to the exit? 4. Did the U.S. have an exit strategy? 5. Did the U.S. have an agreement with the Afghanistan forces? 6. At what point should the military have evacuated? 7. What is the fate of Afghans in and outside Afghanistan? Employing International diplomacy have not been a very effective approach looking at how the U.S. negotiations with the Taliban went and...