No structure or system can exist without the people. People are part of every structure or system therefore no structure or system can exist without the active participation of the people. Agree or disagree with the above premise. The concept of election in Nigeria denotes a process consisting of accreditation, voting, collation, recording on all INEC forms and declaration of results. However, such simple process is usually marred by election violence, ballot box snatching, stuffing of ballot boxes, vote buying etc. which should not be so. Recently, Kenya conducted an election on the 9th of April 2022 and one begins to wonder what Kenyans got right to enable them conduct a peaceful election especially the Diaspora voting. However, the Kenyan elections did not come without its share of refutations. The declaration of William Ruto as President-elect by Wafula Chebukati, rejection of the declaration by four commissioners of IEBC and rejection of the declaration by Raila Odinga did ...