To say that Nigeria is an underdeveloped country would just be stating the obvious. Underdevelopment is a term often used to refer to economic underdevelopment, albeit there are political underdevelopment and social underdevelopment. Symptoms of these under developmental disease include lack of access to job opportunities, health care, drinkable water, food, education, housing, roads etc.
Cholera as we are aware is a disease which is said to affect the human digestive system, it is an infection in the small intestine caused by the bacterium vibrio cholerae, cholera is typically transmitted by either contaminated food or water. In the developed world, sea food is usually the cause, while in the underdeveloped world it is often caused by water. People infected with cholera often have diarrhea, and if this highly liquid stool contaminates water used by others, disease transmission may occur.
In Haiti reports have it that cholera death toll nears 7000 just between 2010 to 2012. coming back to Nigeria, from January to august 2010 the disease claimed the lives of almost 352 people. Statistics available from the federal ministry of health revealed that, Jigawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Yobe, Borno, Adamawa, Taraba, Abuja(FCT), Cross River, Kaduna and Rivers are states that have suffered a higher rate of the diver-stating effect of this disease.

One of the factors proffered as the reason behind the scourge is lack of access to safe drinking water. Sources have it that more than 70% of the population live below the poverty line and more than 66% of our population lack good and safe drinking water. The fact that the agency responsible for providing water in the states water board are living far below expectation is a problem affecting the availability of portable drinking water.

In the area where I reside for example we have not enjoyed pipe borne water for more than 7 years, and even when the water eventually flows the condition of the water is nothing worth writing about. In such scenarios people are forced to rely entirely on other alternatives like rain water, well water, streams, rivers etc. which are exposed to contamination.

Another factor worthy of note is the lack of good functional toilets. Most communities in Nigeria lack good toilets, especially in the rural areas, which prompts people to defecate in open places, the fact that many houses being built today do not have inadequate toilet facilities or in some cases do not have at all should be a serious source of concern, the hostels in our educational institutions are a good example, hundreds of students are made to manage one or two toilets only, and worst still have to contend with the issue of water scarcity.

Natural disasters, like flooding is another major factor behind the scourge. Flooding can occur most times as a result of heavy rains, though some times it is as a result of human activities. When people build on water ways i.e drainages and dams. As the water over flows its banks it washes every imaginable form of filt into other reservoirs thereby contaminating them.

 Enlightenment is also a vital issue which must be addressed. This should be targeted towards the uneducated especially people living in the rural areas, people should know how to keep their surroundings clean and should not wait for the government to help them in doing so. Such things like disposing waste properly starts from the individual, cleaning of drainages to ensure free flow of water is also very essential. Other diseases like malaria ravaging the country can also be prevented if only people became more concerned about their environment.

People should also consider their personal well being by ensuring that they wash their hands regularly with disinfectants especially after defecating, urinating or before meals. People should also ensure that they boil the water they drink and properly wash food or fruits they eat and cook them properly to avoid infection by cholera and other waterborne diseases.


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