he issue of who or what takes precedence in the case of strike or industrial action in Nigeria remains a topic for generalized debate. What is certain however is that every industrial action embarked upon is just as important as the next, this may sound paradoxical yet, in view of the vital importance of every party to a dispute and the consequence or effects, one can easily x-ray the above statements to a large extent. However, every strike action in my opinion spurns from the same ginnery of discontent which reveals a common thread. This may be as a result of prior nonreciprocal promise by one party or an unfair treatment of one party contrary to international best practices. There is no gain saying that all these can be attributed to corruption which is on the increase and employers are usually blamed for most of the problems associated with strike.
Strike is defined in the oxford advanced learners dictionary as a period of time when an organized group of employees of a company stops working because of a disagreement over pay conditions. In Nigeria, strikes have become a common event, the matrimonial face off between ASUU and the federal government has become a regular event. However, this is a predicament which is predicated on the continuous decline in the educational system and more so the lack of sincerity and political will have made these strikes to linger longer than necessary.
Other groups are not left out of this onslaught such as NATAO, PHCN, National Association of Resident doctors and currently the face off between the local government and the State government in Plateau state. The implications to the reaction and response of government to one group will prompt many others to join the dance. The case of health workers and doctors demands for salary increase may prompt pharmaceuticals to cry fowl. The central point here is that strikes are very complex methods of resolving any issue. Every relationship requires a medium through which disagreement can be properly addressed aside strike.
It is fair enough for parties to try and concede to demands by shifting grounds so as to prevent re-occurrence of these industrial actions which have a direct impact on the people especially the work flow and can destabilize the entire business structure of any organization. On the other hand there are more serious issues to be addressed rather than cry about increase in salary or welfare packages. In Nigeria today we have increased insecurity especially in the north. In reality, the role of strike in view of the availability of funds and resources can be very disparaging. Every employer in my view needs to be more transparent and circumspective about the welfare of their employees, contracts should be made to accommodate strike factors, when one is employed into an organization, he or she should be made aware of do’s and don’ts .
A moments consideration will reveal that for strikes to be averted a complex matrix in the agreement process must be put in place in view of its legal, social, political, moral predisposition. A school of taught are of the view that like the socialist utopia strikes will one day fizzle off into non existence, the reason being that law is moving progressively to a system of self imposition especially in those areas regarded as the exclusive preserve of the law of contract.
Some people are however of the view that much blame should be placed on the government for not creating the enabling environment, they pointed that due to the erratic power supply, insecurity, bad roads etc the rate of unemployment in the country continue to increase, employers have taken advantage of the situation to oppress their employees and the only source of solace seems to be to embark on industrial action. The national industrial courts must also always seek to live above board and ensure justice is dispensed speedily especially for the common people else people may be forced to resort self help there by increasing the rate of crime.


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