Terrorism according to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary is the use of violence action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act. It is mind blowing and soul retching to say the least, that some unimaginable things can take place on the soil of this great nation acclaimed to be the most populous African country with a rich culture, however, this has become the bane of the countries existence since its inception, as it is I am dumb founded, it would be better to say that Nigeria is a land of impossibilities. In Nigeria massive ships and heavy duty tractors have vanished into thin air, government installations are stolen by invisible forces, where more than 200 school girls can be abducted within seconds and transported to an unknown destination, where a large expanse of forest is converted into a ritual site and people a left unperturbed, still going about their daily activities needless to say campaigns as though nothing happened. The events of recent years have made the Trojan wars and Greek mythology look like Childs play, and indeed children have now become the targets of terrorism.
The sovereignty of the nation has been detached and even the so called sovereign national conference has almost lost its savor as troops will soon be trooping in, in their thousands by truly sovereign nations to take over the affairs of the nation’s security. It is my candid opinion that the committees inaugurated should be disbanded and new committees formulated and mandated to as a matter of urgency begin to look into the root problems of the issues bedeviling this nation and begin to look for a permanent solution and a proactive approach towards solving it. The major problems bedeviling this nation can best be categorized into five corruption, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and tribalism. These problems have continued to give birth to myriads of other problems like the one we are currently facing which is the new face of terrorism. Terrorism has now gone beyond the phase of arson, maiming, shooting and bombing of innocent souls, and it has continued to spread across the nation from the frontiers now it has gone right into the very sanctuary of the temple the federal capital territory Abuja. Indeed each day comes with its new and devastatingly shocking events of terrorist attack.
In fact, the reoccurring nature of terrorist acts have left many discouraged and disillusioned about the future, some are even of the opinion that the government may be benefitting from it one way or another, this is the conspiracy theory which is not alien to not only Nigeria but international politics as well, especial of the west, and a lot of questions continue to beg for answers. Nigeria how ever has come of age where it should stop blaming other countries and nations for their woes. The people have almost lost hope in the government as far as terrorism is concerned and are beginning to look for spiritual solutions to these problems, some have asked where are the, prophets, where are the  men of God. This may have led to the now popular aphorism of the first lady, there is God Oh!
The fact is that the psychological effect of this kind of terror is more devastating than the physical effects; this is evident in the declining educational, social and moral standards among the people especially among students and youths in general. I remember one experience I had as a student in the university when I was just about to read for an exam and as I flipped open the first page of my note book I heard a massive explosion which shook the very foundation I was sitting on and as expected that was the end of my study for that day. This is becoming a recurring experience just recently precisely on the 20th of May yet again another bomb blast, this time how ever it was two explosions. The youth have lost not just their values, ethics, self worth, but at this point their lives because the insecurity is claiming their lives.
 The state of emergency declared in Yobe, Adamawa and Borno state in 2013 has lasted a year plus now and things have gone from bad to worst, as it is now it seems like a state of emergency  has been declared on the whole country and troops from virtually all sovereign nations have promised to send thousands of their troops to Nigeria to secure its citizenry, it appears the Nigerian army are quickly loosing grip on the situation and no one wants to talk. The United Nations is also assisting in the humanitarian services especially in the affected areas. It is obvious that Nigeria is under siege, and I dear say that only God can save us now.


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