Education  comprises various methods and procedures which schools and other institutions of learning adopt in teaching students. Education has developed from the informal approach to an advanced system. Education can be categorized into formal and informal, informal education are those things which individuals imbibe from their homes and society, formal education are those things thought by teachers in class rooms. Human beings have been able to evolve from an illiterate to a preliterate to a literate society with the invention of writing.
 The aim of education should be to enlighten people sufficiently so as to be able to perform their civic duties and to become better persons in the society. Unfortunately the system prevalent in Nigeria is one that oppresses and intimidates those who are meant to be taught. According to the Encarta dictionary to educate means to give knowledge to or develop the abilities of somebody by teaching, or to train somebody or improve somebody’s awareness to something. Great minds like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle founded various schools meant to develop the minds of the students to do great exploits.

Unfortunately, can the school system in Nigeria be said to have falling short of the great ideals set by their founders? it is almost like the system is designed to ensure that students fail. Beginning from the primary schools, secondary schools, university and professional bodies ie. ICAN and BAR EXAMS. Their appears to be a lack of fluidity. Quintilan, an influential roman educator who lived in the first century AD, wrote that education should be based on the stages of individual development from the childhood to adulthood.  Quintilan deviced specific lessons for each stage, he also advised teachers to make their lessons suited to the students readiness and ability to learn new materials. He urged teachers to motivate students by making learning interesting and attractive.
Personally I believe we as a people are heading for a storm, the recent disaster in the Bar final exams leaves much to be desired, the retroactive decisions taking by the recent administration of the Nigerian law school can best be described as an affront on the destiny of more than 4000 students and on the integrity of the entire legal educational system, raising the pass mark from 40 to 50 marks few days to the exam and reducing the time for the MCQ paper from 60 to 50 minutes, which invariably means that the marks were raised from 40 to 60 marks, looking at the repercussions, the integrity of the system has been compromised as greed misinformation and corruption has crept into the system and this has resulted in the overwhelmingly devastating and disheartening result of failure of over 4000 students, who have invested great time, strength and resources. It would be callous and satanic to imaging that there are those benefiting from the current situation.

The good news is that the problems and challenges we face should make us smarter, better and stronger tomorrow. To the over 4000, focus on God, be calm calculated and determined, success is the best revenge.


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