By the end of the 19th century, Europe had moved from imperialism to wars and congresses. In the 21st century the trend called globalization and its twin concept of globalism has led to the removal of obstacles to trade, exchange of information, free movement of people and the dynamic shrinking of distance on a large scale, which has given rise to new global forces as in financial systems, global political systems, civilizations and centralization of military and economic power in such global organizations as the European Union, United Nations, NATO e.t.c. Obviously, the recent wave of global terrorism which the world is experiencing have left no one in doubt of the fact that not every global trend should be encouraged or allowed to reach enormous proportions. This wave of terrorism can be said to be responsible for the wars in Nigeria, Kenya, Afghanistan etc. however, that of Syria appears to be the epicenter of this debacle. The insecurity that is created by this wave has created fear, apprehension and unimaginable destruction of lives and property all over the world a case in point is the recent terrorist attack in Istanbul air port in Turkey.
This has led to the debate among the United Kingdom to either remain in the E.U. or to exit. The liberalists are of the view that the United Kingdom is better off on its own, this can more or less be described as an isolation policy, in order to check mate the growing terrorist networks especially ISIS from reaching a global scale. While, the conservatives believe in retaining the status quo, as usual, British foreign policy has always been that of isolation and alliance with world powers like the United States of America. Evidently, the ‘REFERENDUM’ by Britain to sever ties with the E.U. did not come as a surprise with more than 17.4 million people voting in favour of LEAVING the E.U. However while the liberals and conservatives continue their speeches and dictums the enormous question at the end of the day will indeed be decided not by speeches and majority vote but by who has the greater economic, political and military might, article 50 notwithstanding. Permit me to say that that was the mistake of 1967.
The national outcry which led to the referendum for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union can be attributed to so many factors such as high unemployment, weak economy, porous borders etc. but top among the list is the insecurity that has continued to grow in Europe and the rest of the world. David Camerons ostensible resignation can best be described as an act of diplomacy. The consequences of this will be better imagined, a more weakened economy in the E.U. as already evident in countries like Greece, Spain, Hungary, Russia and Turkey. The recent wave of migration from neighboring European countries like Turkey into Britain has further exasperated the already bad situation of mutual suspicion and distrust.
Naturalist sentiments have and will continue to predominate territorial and political sentiments which inevitably will lead to a new arrangement of the frontiers and borders of Europe and eventually the collapse of the E.U.
Territorial sentiment is based on the principle of nationality that is to say people who felt drawn together by bones of a common national sentiment should proceed to set up a common state and assert their collective independence of other states but the existence of national minorities such as the Scottish in the United Kingdom scenario may however violate this principle of natural self determination. As it appears only nations powerful enough to assert themselves can claim it. At the end it seems power must strictly rest in the hands of the people and no matter what the mood, sentiments or aftermath, the people must be free and should always be allowed to determine their future and that of their future generations.


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