The author’s style can best be described as simple although he makes use of personifications a lot. There are 10 chapters in the book and chapter 1 is brief, blaming both the driver and portholes for road accidents. He however states that 99% of road crashes are caused by over speeding. A good combination of verses and points raised in this chapter. The principles stated in this book can be applied to every aspect of life.  The exactitude of words employed by the author is impressive and amusing at the same time. Interestingly, the book is premised on the Bible and Quran, even though the book has a religious outlook the author makes clear references to real issues based on observations and experiences. Journey management is an interesting aspect and the author makes it clear that there is nothing superstitious about driving stating that some times when there is a fatal crash, people blame it on supernatural occurrences, like attributing an accident to an old witch in the family, while in reality the person died out of ignorance. The author emphasized the dangers of alcohol on drivers. The authors tone here can best be described as vehement and persuasive. The author presents an interesting perspective on the account of Noah and the Ark. The author attributes road crashes to human, mechanical, societal, environmental and institutional factors. Humorously, the author categorized drivers into Jehu Drivers and Appollos Drivers. The writers views on concentration was a bit exaggerated as the writer made it seem as if one should not even listen to the radio while driving. The skill of the driver goes beyond using the gears, break and steering it requires smooth driving one of the unique concepts in the book.

The author likened the issue of drunken driving to public morality and tried to draw a distinction between “drinking and driving”, and “drunken driving”. Apollos drivers are equated to half baked professionals which also exists in other professions like law, medicine, journalism, music etc. Driving in other words requires skill in relation to the distance. the author states that driving prowess, experience and knowledge are interchangeable but to what extent. Just like a lawyer needs experience and guidance to prosecute a case at the supreme court so does a driver need experience and guidance to embark on a long distance journey. Driving like any other professions require experience. According to the writer accidents can be avoided if one is experienced.

According to the writer the major stages of crashes are minor, major and fatal, so to avoid major crashes, in this regard gentility is important so is alertness. The author compared a back axle Mercedes  benz 200 to a constant velocity joint (CJV) or driving shaft of a Toyota without specifying the model of the Toyota. The blind spot is a very important topic which the author mentioned clearly in this book but did not expatiate. Ember months are definitely periods of increased accident rates, the author attributes the ember month crashes to “quick money” and “lack of experience”. At what age should one really stop driving, the author tried to provide an answer in this book. SCAN DRIVING is another concept one must be familiar with. The author traced the origin of road signs to Rome and then the Italian Touring Club (ITC), the VIENNA CONVENTION AND ROAD SIGN. There are different road markings which includes Hatching  among many others. Chapter nine looks at the issue of first aid and how it can be used to save lives especially, in an accident scene, many people do not even know what a first aid box should contain and how to manage an accident scene. CHAPTER TEN addresses sundry issues like child safely in a car, and the use of seat belts in line with section 58 (3 and 4) of the National Road Traffic Regulations (NRTR) 2012. “Crying by proxy” is a hilarious concept but critical to the life of every child.

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