The inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States of America was quite a far cry from what was obtainable in previous inaugurations by his predecessors. Evidently, it was not only done without pump and pageantry but it was also done without Trump. No doubt the covid 19 pandemic may have also taken away some of the shine from the inauguration as the death toll continues to rise in the U.S. Obviously, the insecurity which has characterized the U.S is another factor, especially the January 6th attack on Capitol Hill. Personally I don’t envy the duo because president JOE BIDEN and vice president KAMALA HARRIS have a huge task ahead. JOE BIDEN will definitely have to do a balancing act between the white supremacists and the black lives matter, between Russia and China, between Pro-life and Pro-abortion, between Pro-homosexual and Pro-Heterosexuals, Pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine, the list is endless. The US relationship with China and Russia will be something to wa...